Wednesday 17 November 2010


I will be using the online phenomonom YouTube as a case study to show how media is in this online age, and how it is the largest and fastest growing aspect of media.

I will be investigating how and why people use YouTube. whether it be for entertainment, educational, informative, or for more personal use such as broadcasting yourself, which is YouTube's tagline. I will also be using other websites such as Vimeo.

Here are some examples of different types of films viewed on YouTube:

Simpsons movie/Inception mash up
This is an example of a "mash up" film where as two films are made to seem like one, this example shows the footage from the simpsons movie and the sound and credits from inception and edited in a way where the dialogue fits the footage. This has been done for many different types of films, often for entertainment purposes, however they challenge commercialism as they take a product or products and turn it into something else.

David after drugs copycat video
This is another example of things posted and viewed by people on YouTube, this is known as a copycat video, the hugely popular "david after drugs" video has been been copied or reconstructed, again this is for entertainment purposes, however this a hugely popular thing to do on YouTube as it has been done by many different videos before it.

Participation - "Where the hell is Matt"
This has been one of the most viewed videos in YouTube history with over 32 million views. Matt simply dances on camera but has done it all over the world whilst travelling which led to people joining him dancing. This became hugely popular as it was more than just dancing, this film touched a lot of people, another example of this is the "free hugs" video, where he gathers people to pass on free hugs to people, which was eventually banned, yet the creator of the video did not give up and had a petition with 10,000 signatures to remove the ruling.

Commercial media exploiting YouTube
Due to the popularity of YouTube, large companies have been using to their advantage, here is a video of the phone company "TalkTalk" doing just this, where as they use home videos of people performing a song, placing their graphics and advert over the top, which has became a massive hit, and also a competition, where people can request to be on the advert, film themselves and send it in, these adverts are official sponsors of the X factor competition, so it is vastly popular.

These are just some examples of ways people use YouTube, other examples include TV channels such as channel 4 having their on demand online service linked to YouTube. Also people can post videos of themselves to get themselves seen by the world, for example singers "Souljia Boy" and Justin Bieber who were both discovered on YouTube.

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