Wednesday 17 November 2010

Comparing YouTube to Facebook

If you compare YouTube even to a phenomonom like facebook, seen as the biggest social website in the world. But is it? They are a lot of similarities between the two websites, how you can communicate people from accross the world, you can comment on things people say or do or post onto the site, they are a lot of communities within the website etc. But if you consider the differences, with facebook you are only able to view things and communicate with people you are friends with, this makes an enclosed community, where as YouTube there are no constraints, you can view anything from anyone and comment on what they have posted, this makes YouTube the biggest social website of all. With Facebook you can only speak with words, with YouTube you can communicate with vlogs, and other videos expressing your view on something whatever the reason. So in turn YouTube is the most worldwide social website as it doesnt have boundaries.

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